Zoe Moda Meets Exenta PLM REVO
by Roberto Mangual | October 25, 2018

Colombian apparel maker, Sebastian Lopez, owner of Zoe, was completely overwhelmed before meeting Exenta’s PLM REVO. It saved the day by making fashion fun again. “I’m no longer burdened by twenty hour workdays where I’m combing through piles of spreadsheets, partial tech packs and multiple images just trying to piece orders together, get them right, and get them delivered on time. Don’t get me wrong, there are still plenty of long workdays, but PLM REVO has allowed me to spend my time where it matters most. Generating business, focusing on continued growth, increasing efficiencies, making customers happy, and increasing profitability for everyone involved in my supply chain.”
Before putting PLM REVO to work, Sebastian’s company was using multiple Excel spreadsheets to manage most data, and the information he was able to produce from it just wasn’t consistent, “I was losing big opportunities in the market because I wasn’t fast enough. I needed something easy and user friendly for all of my users,” recalled Sebastian of the troubled times. That’s when he knew he had to make the switch for his company. He had to innovate.
Sebastian isn’t alone. So many companies are now switching to cloud based systems due to the drawbacks of legacy PLM. One of the many reasons Zoe changed their system was because their old system was far too expensive to maintain. Legacy PLM requires its own staff because it’s on its own servers. However, web based PLM is run by a company’s vendors, so it requires no maintenance staff and it is much easier to implement.
In addition, before PLM REVO and its cost efficiency, small businesses could not even think about purchasing PLM software previously. It was nowhere near what they could afford. With expensive implementations and a system that wasn’t even that user friendly, it just wasn’t worth it to buy for anyone but large businesses with allocated IT budgets. Now, without the maintenance staff, PLM REVO is a complete game changer for small business owners that must run their businesses at extreme efficiencies given their narrow margins and cash flow demands. Their solution, a cloud based system, is more affordable and easier to use. In fact, it’s absolutely scalable for businesses of any size.
Legacy PLM is also extremely customized, meaning that initial implementation takes far too long to complete, and necessary upgrades are few and far between. In contrast, with web-based PLM, upgrades come out frequently, with quick bug fixes and new features. Problems are solved quickly and the software is constantly improving. Exenta puts out new upgrades every three weeks on average, making the user’s job much easier. Users no longer have to test their patience or use work-arounds for long durations, while waiting for upgrades that should be easy and automatic.
Instead of continuing to endure monstrous headache, cost overruns, delays and technology that just could not keep up, that involved either changing nothing or going with older platform PLM systems, Zoe decided it was time to go cloud based. This meant for them, a more user friendly experience with less expensive and less intensive training. Cloud based PLM is very tech friendly. Users generally don’t have to be too tech savvy to figure out the system, meaning they need less support from the tech team.
But the best part about cloud PLM is that it helps get your work completed more efficiently, and more quickly. Long gone are the days of multiple excel spreadsheets. With a web based system, you can work from any device including iPhones, Androids, tablets, or laptops. You can constantly be collaborating with your team, even if you’re on opposite sides of the world. SaaS PLM allows you to upload photos from anywhere, that everyone on your team can see. This eliminates unnecessary work time and lets users get their jobs done right and on time without running into problems.
Cloud PLM was able to help Zoe lower costs, increase productivity, and even make workers happier. Owner, Sebastian Lopez stated, “Employees are now having a lot more fun at their jobs. This directly effects the productivity of the company, now that we don’t have to waste time on tasks that aren’t adding value to the company, like the tedious excel spreadsheets I mentioned earlier.” Cloud PLM makes the lives of users far easier than when they were on a legacy system. The problems that cloud based PLM solves that I have outlined above are the direct cause of success for many companies all over the world. While there are many great software systems out there, we are so proud that our Exenta PLM software was able to help the team over at Zoe accomplish their goals as a company.