by Roberto Mangual | January 7, 2018

I promise you, Without Limits will not be just another CEO blog. Yes, there will be occasions when I write about some very cool things my company is up to. Importantly, my blog will also cover a wide variety of subjects I’m personally engaged in—from building world-class sports cars and salsa dancing, to science, politics and the arts.
I feel deeply committed to our industry and to helping all of us be “Without Limits” in everything we do. We are all exploring new frontiers more than any other time in our history. I want to contribute with my voice and thoughts, but I would also greatly value yours. Together, there is no limit to what we can achieve.
To be successful in business and in life demands dedication, intelligence and perseverance. It also requires what I would call a renaissance personality—intellectually curious, always interested to learn and master new things and an ability to see the big picture. As CEO’s we must see our business and world we live in from the 30,000 foot level. We should never think small, be afraid or get bogged down in small details.
The first thing I’m super excited to tell you about is the change in our company’s name from Simparel to Exenta. So why am I doing this and why now?
1. We’ve outgrown the Simparel name (which stand for “Simply Apparel”). It is just too limiting.
2. Exenta opened a new world for us emphasizing our position at the intersections of technology, manufacturing and fashion, with a touch of mystery thrown it.
3. Serendipitously, a close translation of Exenta in Spanish is “Without Limits”. Exenta has a growing international business particularly in Latin America so this becomes the perfect fit in English and Spanish.
4. Exenta stands for the best in software for the fashion industry including such new markets for us as jewelry, footwear and softgoods
5. So strongly does “Without Limits” represent the new culture of our company that it has become our positioning line that will be carried through in all of our communications.
Yes, it would have been easy to do nothing, to maintain the status quo, to be boring and unimaginative. But that is not who we are.
We are Exenta, a company “Without Limits”.
So what do you think? Are we on the right track? I would love to hear from you and engage in additional dialogue.